is understood one of the packages burst during Sunday’s Aer Lingus
flight from Lisbon in Portugal to Dublin a leak that condemned the
Brazilian drugs mule to an horrific death.Gurjao,
who is believed to have been travelling to Ireland to attend an
English language college, became extremely agitated halfway into the
two-and-a-half -journey.The airline passenger who died on a flight into Ireland had a kilo of bagged cocaine in his stomach.A
postmortem on the body of 24-year-old John Kennedy Santos Gurjao found
yesterday that he had ingested up to £45,000 worth of the drug.As
the pilot diverted to Cork Airport,
passengers on board Flight EI485 watched on in shock while Gurjao
appeared to suffer a seizure and then had to be restrained.Witness
John Leonard told Cork’s 96FM yesterday how a doctor and two nurses
tried to revive the man with CPR.“It
was like deep anguish. Not screaming in a sense as if you’d hurt
yourself, just a very guttural sound, from deep within him.He said: “His
seizure seemed to get worse then. He was actually on the ground
shaking violently.“The noise he was making was like something I have never heard before.“Horrible . . . a very violent end. To die that way, it’s not right.

”Medics later pronounced Gurjao dead after the Airbus A320 touched
down in Cork at 5.40pm.One man who had been bitten during the mid-air
drama was taken to Cork University Hospital for treatment.But Leonard
said that all the other 168 passengers were kept on board for two
hours before being interviewed by cops.A woman in her 40s was arrested
after a white powder was found in her luggage a substance she told cops
was baking powder.She is understood to be a Portuguese citizen who has
been living in Dublin.A
source told the Irish Sun: “Analysis of the substance will determine
the course of investigation, as well as inquiries regarding any
possible connection between her and the deceased.”
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