View Photos Of Nigeria Future Media Entrepreneur.
For Kris who was born, bred and buttered in the Northern part of Nigeria, definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievements, little wonder the good looking model eventually succumbed to pursuing her age-long passion after several years of working behind the scenes.The name Kris Oziofu Ero might not readily come to mind but the intelligent lady is sure one of Nigeria’s raw talent in the bourgeoning broadcast industry even though she’s one personality oozing a rare unassuming nature.The dreadlocked loving Kris who’s flaunting a terrific height of 6 ft cut her teeth as a professional model after she graduated from the Ahmadu Bello University-ABU, Zaria where she studied Geography, she then rose to become one of the Glo Ambassadors and has been involved in one or two projects before she fully embraced media and entertainment which she believes are tools for positive change.The thoroughbred media entrepreneur who hails from Edo State is the Presenter of “A Woman's World”; a flagship programme showing on TVC and designed to celebrate and highlight the many achievements and issues respectively of the African Woman. What stands her out, however is her unique style of delivery that has often been described as engaging and familiar. The show has won several accolades.Kris is also the concept-owner, producer and presenter of another fans-teeming Radio programme-WellBaby...a talk show airing on Radio Continental 102.3fm every Saturdays at 10am. According to her in a brief chat with National Enquirer, the concept of the radio programme is precipitated on the state of our society and the realization that our children are our future; the show was designed to ensure the all round wellness of children from the foundational stages (as babies and toddlers) by adequately educating parents, parents to-be and all caregivers. In its less than one year run, WellBaby has a growing listener base with an amazing feedback.Recently recognised as One of the 50 Women changing journalism in Nigeria courtesy of the Yomi Owope driven "Women in Journalism" initiative.Happily married with 3 adorable children, Kris is a very capable and engaging event host. After conquering a 2 year period of Absolute Amnesia as related extensively in her appearance on The Sunday Interview programme, she is taking up a cause where she will generate more awareness for the condition.
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